MIT engineering students take on the heat of Miami

A collaboration between MIT and Miami-Dade County has students working with city planning officials to understand why people wait patiently for a bus — and why they bail.

Jane Halpern | Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science • mit
June 23, 2023 ~13 min

Study: Microtargeting works, just not the way people think

In politics, tailored ads make sense, but with real limits to the tailoring.

Peter Dizikes | MIT News Office • mit
June 21, 2023 ~7 min

Bringing the social and ethical responsibilities of computing to the forefront

The inaugural SERC Symposium convened experts from multiple disciplines to explore the challenges and opportunities that arise with the broad applicability of computing in many aspects of society.

Terri Park | MIT Schwarzman College of Computing • mit
June 8, 2023 ~12 min

Degrowth isn't the same as a recession – it's an alternative to growing the economy forever

Not only is degrowth is not the same as negative GDP growth, it is actually better for the planet.

Katharina Richter, Lecturer in Climate, Politics and Society, University of Bristol • conversation
May 23, 2023 ~8 min

Fed rate hikes, recession fears and political backlash leave ESG investors at a crossroads

Three forces are pulling down ESG’s once-rapid rise in the investment world.

Sehoon Kim, Assistant Professor of Finance, University of Florida • conversation
May 3, 2023 ~8 min

J-PAL North America announces six new evaluation incubator partners to catalyze research on pressing social issues

The research center will support two nonprofits and four government agencies in designing randomized evaluations on housing stability, procedural justice, transportation, income assistance, and more.

Laina Sonterblum | J-PAL North America • mit
April 28, 2023 ~6 min

Minimizing electric vehicles’ impact on the grid

Careful planning of charging station placement could lessen or eliminate the need for new power plants, a new study shows.

David L. Chandler | MIT News Office • mit
March 15, 2023 ~8 min

Economic growth is fuelling climate change – a new book proposes 'degrowth communism' as the solution

What does Karl Marx have to say about climate change? Quite a lot, according to a new book.

Timothée Parrique, Researcher in Ecological Economics, Lund University • conversation
March 3, 2023 ~7 min

How debit cards helped Indonesia’s poor get more food

Replacing rice-bag delivery with digital card vouchers helps recipients get their intended supplies, researchers report.

Peter Dizikes | MIT News Office • mit
March 2, 2023 ~8 min

A new strategy for western states to adapt to long-term drought: Customized water pricing

Even after January’s storms, California faces a water-scarce future. An economist and an engineer propose a way to test higher water prices as a conservation strategy without hurting low-income users.

Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Ming Hsieh Faculty Fellow and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Southern California • conversation
Feb. 13, 2023 ~8 min
