Repeat head impacts may lead to depression later

Study participants with a history of repetitive head impacts and traumatic brain injury reported greater depression symptoms later than those who didn't.

Gina DiGravio-Boston • futurity
June 30, 2020 ~7 min

Offensive linemen should stand up to avoid injury

A small change to the starting stance offensive linemen use could avoid the effects of repeated head impacts, which include brain damage.

Kayla Wiles-Purdue • futurity
April 21, 2020 ~7 min

Coronavirus: why self-isolation brings mental health strain for elite athletes

Why elite athletes may struggle more during self-isolation.

Keith Parry, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sport, Exercise & Health, University of Winchester • conversation
April 14, 2020 ~5 min

Two things cut concussions in youth football

With safer tackles and padded helmets, no youth football players got concussions in a 20-practice, seven-game season, a new study shows.

Patti Verbanas-Rutgers • futurity
March 3, 2020 ~2 min

CTE risk goes up 30% for each year of playing football

There's a strong link between playing football and CTE, researchers find. After just under 3 years of play, athletes' risk for CTE doubles.

Boston University • futurity
Oct. 8, 2019 ~6 min

What years of playing football do to brain’s white matter

Researchers have found a link between playing football and white matter injury in the brain, which might contribute to dementia in people with CTE.

Kat McAlpine-Boston • futurity
Aug. 12, 2019 ~1 min

Gene variation may explain most severe CTE

A genetic variation may explain why similar levels of head trauma can cause some people to suffer more drastic symptoms of CTE than others.

Boston University • futurity
Nov. 29, 2018 ~8 min
