Lonely older adults live fewer years and not as well

Lonely older adults live fewer years than non-lonely peers—and they're less active and in poorer health, a new study shows.

Federico Graciano-NUS • futurity
July 7, 2021 ~9 min

Lifespans of 130 years could be possible this century

More people are living to be 100 years old, but how long will human lifespan reach in the 21st century? Researchers may have some answers.

Kim Eckart-Washington • futurity
July 2, 2021 ~6 min

We’re living longer, but not cheating death

The average person today can expect to live almost twice as long as people in the 1850. But don't get too excited. There's still no cheating old age.

Duke University • futurity
June 17, 2021 ~6 min

Female giraffes with more friends live longer

Gregarious female giraffes that develop a sense of larger community live longer than those with fewer friends, a new study shows.

Gail McCormick-Penn State • futurity
Feb. 25, 2021 ~5 min

Colorful light reveals how worms get longer lives

A metabolite called colanic acid can extend the lifespan of worms as much as 50%. New research uses optogenetics to clarify that discovery.

Jade Boyd-Rice • futurity
Dec. 28, 2020 ~9 min

Male baboons with female pals live longer

Having a female bestie gives male baboons a better chance of survival, a new study shows.

Robin Smith-Duke • futurity
Sept. 23, 2020 ~6 min

From marmots to mole-rats to marmosets – studying many genes in many animals is key to understanding how humans can live longer

Is there a single master gene that controls longevity in all mammals? Or are 'Fountain of Youth' genes little more than a myth?

Amanda Kowalczyk, Ph.D. Candidate in Computational and Systems Biology, University of Pittsburgh • conversation
July 1, 2020 ~8 min

Isolation can cut your life short

Isolation and loneliness can have major physical and mental health consequences. New research shows socializing is critical to survival and longevity.

Jason Clement-McGill • futurity
June 9, 2020 ~5 min

‘Food stamps’ for kids increase earnings and lifespan

A study of 17.5 million Americans born between 1950 and 1980 shows that food assistance pay off in future earnings, education, and even lifespan.

Morgan Sherburne-Michigan • futurity
April 24, 2020 ~6 min

Places with lots of fast food have shorter life expectancy

Areas of the US with more fast food, lots of oil and gas extraction jobs, and higher population density have lower life expectancy, new research shows.

Kristen Devlin-Penn State • futurity
March 9, 2020 ~6 min
