Big cats eat more monkeys in a damaged tropical forest – and this could threaten their survival

The results could indicate populations of more typical prey in southern Mexico are shrinking.

Aralisa Shedden, Postdoctoral Researcher in Conservation, Bournemouth University • conversation
Nov. 16, 2023 ~6 min

Policy framework for coexisting with wolves, bears and mountain lions could benefit both people and the environment

Setting guidelines for human coexistence with carnivores usually falls to local community leaders. An expert explains why the federal government should step in.

Neil Carter, Associate Professor of Wildlife Conservation, University of Michigan • conversation
Aug. 22, 2023 ~10 min

When wolves move in, they push smaller carnivores closer to human development – with deadly consequences

Reintroducing wolves can restore important ecological processes, but it can have unintended effects when smaller predators like coyotes are driven closer to people, a team of ecologists found.

Laura Prugh, Associate Professor of Quantitative Wildlife Sciences, University of Washington • conversation
May 18, 2023 ~8 min

Reintroducing top predators to the wild is risky but necessary – here's how we can ensure they survive

New research studies the factors that determine whether large carnivore reintroductions will be a success.

Seth Thomas, Research assistant, University of Oxford • conversation
Feb. 17, 2023 ~7 min

Weasels, not pandas, should be the poster animal for biodiversity loss

Polar bears and wolves may get the glory, but small predators like weasels, foxes and their cousins play outsized ecological roles. And many of these species are declining fast.

David Jachowski, Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology, Clemson University • conversation
Dec. 5, 2022 ~8 min

How the first cat-like sabre-tooth predator was discovered – and why it differs from modern cats

The first sabre-toothed cat-like predator was not much larger than a bobcat, but it had long teeth and a strong jaw to cut through thick skin.

Michael J. Benton, Professor of Vertebrate Palaeontology, University of Bristol • conversation
March 30, 2022 ~8 min

African wild dogs cope with human development using skills they rely on to compete with other carnivores

African wild dogs are used to evading hyenas and lions. Genetic research suggests they are using the same strengths to get around human development as well.

Scott Creel, Professor of Conservation Biology & Ecology, Montana State University • conversation
Feb. 16, 2022 ~9 min

Hydroelectric dams take toll on endangered big cats, study shows

One in 200 jaguars are likely to be affected by dams, versus one in five tigers.

Tara Pirie, Postdoctoral Researcher, People and Wildlife Research Group, University of Reading • conversation
Dec. 16, 2021 ~6 min

How to live with large predators – lessons from Spanish wolf country

A farming community in north-west Spain may hold the answer to coexistence with wild carnivores.

Hanna Pettersson, PhD Candidate, Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds • conversation
Nov. 15, 2021 ~7 min

Bitter battles between stinkbugs and carnivorous mice could hold clues for controlling human pain

Animals that regularly dine on toxic food may hold clues for designing new drugs to treat persistent pain in humans.

Lauren Koenig, PhD Candidate in Integrative Biology, Michigan State University • conversation
Dec. 9, 2020 ~9 min
