Algorithm beats human pilots in drone race for the 1st time

Researchers have created an algorithm that can find the fastest path for a drone to fly. It even beat human pilots flying drones in a race.

U. Zurich • futurity
July 22, 2021 ~5 min

Bird-like morphing wings could stabilize drones in flight

"3D morphing" wings could help drones and other small aircraft safely navigate urban streets and keep stable in wind gusts.

Nicole Casal Moore-Michigan • futurity
June 11, 2021 ~5 min

Name the emotion you want drone video to capture

A new model lets filmmakers simply tell their drone what emotion it should evoke in the video it shoots from the air.

Aaron Aupperlee-Carnegie Mellon • futurity
June 9, 2021 ~5 min

‘Smellicopter’ uses a live moth antenna to hunt for scents

A new tiny drone called Smellicopter uses a live moth antenna to navigate toward smells. It can also avoid obstcles in the air.

Sarah McQuate-Washington • futurity
Dec. 9, 2020 ~8 min

Backpack-toting moths can drop sensors where people can’t

Tiny sensors that weigh less than jellybeans and ride on the back of moths may help researchers study places too dangerous for people to get to.

Sarah McQuate-Washington • futurity
Oct. 12, 2020 ~5 min

Watch an acrobatic drone pull off great stunts

A new drone can pull off acrobatic maneuvers like barrel rolls or loops. More than just looking cool, it could be a step to autonomous flying robots.

U. Zurich • futurity
June 23, 2020 ~5 min

Wireless charging method could power moving cars

A new wireless charging technique could keep robots, drones, and, one day, potentially moving cars juiced up, researchers say.

Edmund L. Andrews-Stanford • futurity
May 7, 2020 ~6 min

Tiny gyroscope is 10,000X more accurate than your phone’s

A new gyroscope, so small it can fit on the tip of your finger, could help drones and driverless cars stay on track without a GPS signal.

Nicole Casal Moore-Michigan • futurity
March 23, 2020 ~5 min

‘Dodgeball’ drone flies fast and avoids incoming stuff

Drones aren't great at avoiding obstacles—especially when they move quickly. New technology takes a step toward solving the problem.

Kurt Bodenmueller-U. Zurich • futurity
March 20, 2020 ~5 min

Sharp-edged wings cut turbulence for little drones

A bird- and bug-inspired wing design could keep wind and other obstacles from batting around small fixed-wing drones and boost their battery efficiency.

Kevin Stacey-Brown • futurity
Jan. 29, 2020 ~6 min
