Maya tomb reveals royal treasures of an ancient king

A Maya tomb dating back 1,700 years holds funeral offerings, including writings carved on human bones and a jade mask.

Stacey Plaisance-Tulane • futurity
Feb. 6, 2024 ~5 min

Maya people shopped at places like today’s supermarkets

To buy and sell obsidian, the Maya people used a market economy with far less oversight from their rulers that previously thought.

Will Ferguson-Washington State • futurity
Jan. 6, 2023 ~5 min

Drought, conflict destroyed prehistoric city of Mayapan

Climate and conflict entwined when the prehistoric Maya city of Mayapan fell apart, research shows.

Shelly Leachman-UCSB • futurity
July 20, 2022 ~6 min

Ancient pits shed light on Maya tamales and indoor toilets

Two ancient pits dug into the corner of a Guatemalan home a millennium ago offers clues to Maya toilets—and tamales, too.

Boston University • futurity
June 8, 2022 ~11 min

Lasers shake up ideas about the fall of the Maya

While droughts caused by climate change have been blamed for the fall of the Maya kingdom, new research complicates the picture.

Jarret Bencks-Brandeis • futurity
Dec. 2, 2021 ~7 min

Lidar reveals nearly 500 ancient ceremonial sites in Mexico

Researchers have discovered nearly 500 ancient ceremonial sites in Mexico. They're similar to Aguada Fénix, the largest and oldest Maya monument ever found.

Mikayla Mace-Arizona • futurity
Nov. 1, 2021 ~8 min

Stuff from ancient poop shows Maya population fell due to climate

"It is important for society generally to know that there were civilizations before us that were affected by and adapted to climate change."

Shirley Cardenas-McGill • futurity
June 30, 2021 ~6 min

Team finds the biggest, oldest Maya monument

A monumental building is the oldest and largest in known Maya history, far larger than their later pyramids and palaces.

Mikayla Mace-Arizona • futurity
June 4, 2020 ~7 min

Backyard in Mexico yields lost Maya kingdom

The search for evidence of the Maya Kingdom Sak Tz'i' has been going since 1994. A roadside vendor flagged down a researcher to offer an amazing clue.

Lawrence Goodman-Brandeis • futurity
March 10, 2020 ~9 min

Yucatec Maya moms breastfeed longer after c-section

Yucatec Maya farmers breastfeed their babies even longer after c-sections than after vaginal births, research finds.

Amy Patterson Neubert-Purdue • futurity
March 21, 2019 ~4 min
