Laminate changes color to highlight damage

A new kind of laminate changes color to reveal damage. The material could be useful in buildings, vehicles, or aircraft, say the researchers.

Peter Rüegg-ETH Zurich • futurity
Aug. 24, 2021 ~4 min

Dog coat patterns hold clues to their wolf ancestors

Dogs share one of their coat patterns, dominant yellow, with arctic white wolves, research finds.

Andy Fell-UC Davis • futurity
Aug. 13, 2021 ~5 min

Weird ‘beard-less’ warbler holds clues to plumage genes

A "very weird" hybrid bird confirms suspected links between genes and color patterns in two species of warblers, report researchers.

Gail McCormick-Penn State • futurity
June 29, 2021 ~8 min

Blue food coloring from cabbage might replace synthetic stuff

Researchers have discovered a way to get a bright blue food coloring from red cabbages. It could be an alternative to synthetic coloring.

Andy Fell-UC Davis • futurity
April 20, 2021 ~4 min

Why masses of salamander eggs come in two colors

Masses of spotted salamander eggs are either white or clear. New research indicates two dueling evolutionary forces at work.

Gail McCormick-Penn State • futurity
April 14, 2021 ~7 min

‘Chains’ make it easy to tune the color of these polymers

Instead of mixing different molecules, a new approach to fluorescent polymers generates a range of colors with chemical adjustments within the molecules themselves.

Fabio Bergamin-ETH Zurich • futurity
April 8, 2021 ~5 min

Poorer and minority older adults are suspicious of the US health care system – a new study shows why

The findings suggest that many Black and Hispanic Americans don't believe health care providers are listening to them.

Jane Tavares, Research Fellow, LeadingAge LTSS Center, University of Massachusetts Boston • conversation
April 1, 2021 ~9 min

Birds may avoid fast, flashy butterflies and their mimics

Birds can learn to recognize fast and flashy butterflies they've failed to catch in the past—as well as similar-looking species—research finds.

Natalie van Hoose-Florida • futurity
March 15, 2021 ~9 min

Squids change colors with this ‘elegant’ trick

Cracking the mystery of how squids evolved to control their skin's color and brightness could lead to color-shifting camouflage.

Sonia Fernandez-UCSB • futurity
March 9, 2021 ~10 min

Mantis shrimp eyes inspire new optical sensor

A new optical sensor small enough to fit on a smartphone but capable of hyperspectral and polarimetric imaging gets its inspiration from mantis shrimp eyes.

Matt Shipman-NC State • futurity
March 4, 2021 ~6 min
