How live streaming connects New Zealand attack and ISIS

Live streaming is a tool terrorists use to spread messages of fear, whether they're radical right-wing extremists or members of ISIS, an expert says.

Julian Cardillo-Brandeis • futurity
March 18, 2019 ~1 min

Physician PACs give more money to pro-gun candidates

"This pattern held true even for physician groups that publicly endorsed evidence-based policies to reduce firearm injury."

Mollie Rappe-Brown • futurity
Feb. 24, 2019 ~6 min

More policing alone can’t stop gun-related deaths

Years lost from fatal gun injuries differ by race, research finds, which suggests interventions need to vary, as well.

Boston University • futurity
Dec. 27, 2018 ~5 min

60% of US children’s deaths in 2016 were preventable

Since 1999, about 4 of every 100,000 US children and teens have died by a gun-related homicide, suicide, or unintended shooting each year.

Kara Gavin-U. Michigan • futurity
Dec. 26, 2018 ~7 min

Why doctors say gun violence is ‘their lane’

"As a physician and a researcher, I know that it doesn't have to be this way."

Mollie Rappe-Brown • futurity
Dec. 6, 2018 ~4 min
