What's the difference between sugar, other natural sweeteners and artificial sweeteners? A food chemist explains sweet science

Just because something is sweet doesn’t necessarily mean it is sugary. There are a number of molecules that taste sweet. To understand how and why takes a little bit of chemistry.

Kristine Nolin, Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of Richmond • conversation
Jan. 5, 2022 ~8 min

Sour things reveal commonality between us and flies

A taste receptor sensitive to acidity in fruit flies is in the same group as human sour receptors, research finds.

Harrison Tasoff-UC Santa Barbara • futurity
Dec. 14, 2021 ~8 min

Expectations shape salmon taste test

In a blind taste test, Danes preferred farmed salmon to wild. But when they learned where the fish came from, they totally changed their minds.

U. Copenhagen • futurity
Dec. 3, 2021 ~8 min

Climate could ruin the flavor of your coffee

Climate change stands to alter the flavor and aroma of your morning coffee, a research review finds.

Lisa LaPoint-Tufts • futurity
Oct. 27, 2021 ~4 min

Preliminary research finds that even mild cases of COVID-19 leave a mark on the brain – but it's not yet clear how long it lasts

Reduced brain volume in people who have experienced COVID-19 resembles brain changes typically seen in older adults. The implications of these findings are not yet clear.

Jessica Bernard, Associate Professor, Texas A&M University • conversation
Sept. 24, 2021 ~8 min

Cabbage butterflies evolved tastes to keep up with plant defenses

Cabbage butterflies are one of few insect groups that have evolved changing tastes to tolerate chemical defenses of their plant hosts.

Talia Ogliore-WUSTL • futurity
Aug. 13, 2021 ~7 min

Beer snobs rejoice: Craft beer really is different

Beer connoisseurs may be onto something: Craft beer is scientifically unique when compared to mass-produced brews, researchers say.

U. Queensland • futurity
Aug. 9, 2021 ~4 min

When you choose a snack, taste beats health

Our brains process taste information before health information. That might explain why we choose a candy bar instead of an apple.

Alison Jones-Duke • futurity
July 12, 2021 ~5 min

Smelling in stereo – the real reason snakes have flicking, forked tongues

Two tongue tips are better than one – an evolutionary biologist explains why snakes have forked tongues.

Kurt Schwenk, Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut • conversation
June 16, 2021 ~7 min

Taste evolved to make sure animals eat the right stuff

Mammals, fish, and insects may have evolved the ability to taste to make sure their food contains the elements they need for healthy growth.

Michelle Jewel-NC State • futurity
June 14, 2021 ~7 min
