Fighting more likely for teen boys who witness gender violence

"Our findings highlight the wide-ranging impact that witnessing sexual harassment and dating violence has on our teenage boys..."

Andrea Kunicky-Pittsburgh • futurity
Jan. 2, 2020 ~5 min

Survey: Majority says there’s no ‘God spot’ in the brain

"Findings like ours show that in general the public is suspicious of the idea that science can completely explain religion."

Amy McCaig-Rice University • futurity
Dec. 27, 2019 ~4 min

2,700-year-old tablet depicts epilepsy ‘demon’

A 2,700-year-old cuneiform tablet from ancient Iraq depicts the demon that the ancient Assyrians thought caused epilepsy.

Carsten Munk Hansen-U. Copenhagen • futurity
Dec. 20, 2019 ~4 min

Young and old are split on America’s greatest issues

Young or old, Republican or Democrat, Americans disagree about a lot, a new poll finds. They agree on one thing, though: Not trusting the government.

Jill Kimball-Brown • futurity
Dec. 3, 2019 ~6 min

How gender equality can protect men’s health

Men's feelings about being the breadwinner can cause stress-induced wear and tear on the body, but it all depends on their view of gender roles.

Katie Bohn-Penn State • futurity
Nov. 26, 2019 ~4 min

4 tips for handling Thanksgiving talks about climate change

How can you talk to your skeptical family about climate change? Experts have you covered with tips to convince and advice about knowing when to walk away.

Jessica Colarossi-Boston University • futurity
Nov. 26, 2019 ~8 min

9 ways religion can affect stress about money

Religion can both amplify and ease stress about money matters, research finds.

Alexis Blue-U. Arizona • futurity
Nov. 19, 2019 ~7 min

New book refutes ‘boys will be boys’

A new book examines masculinity and traces the origins of the idea that "boys will be boys."

Brown University • futurity
Nov. 12, 2019 ~2 min

You’re more likely to believe polls when your candidate leads

We tend to think that polls that show our favored candidate doing well are more credible, researchers find.

Jared Wadley-Michigan • futurity
Nov. 7, 2019 ~4 min

Your politics may shape your morality

Your politics and even your party affiliation may shape your morality, rather than the other way around, researchers say.

Katie Bohn-Penn State • futurity
Oct. 25, 2019 ~4 min
