COVID lockdowns gave some teen girls a break from stress

COVID-19 lockdowns gave many teen girls a mental health boost by giving them a break from their busy lives. They even got more sleep.

U. Pittsburgh • futurity
Oct. 29, 2021 ~5 min

Toddlers remember new words as they sleep

Very young children learn words at a tremendous rate. A new study shows how specific brain regions help them remember those words while they're sleeping.

Andy Fell-UC Davis • futurity
Oct. 26, 2021 ~5 min

Sleep ‘sweet spot’ may mean less cognitive decline

A new study in older adults shows people who slept too much or too little experienced greater cognitive decline than those who slept a moderate amount.

Tamara Bhandari-Washington University • futurity
Oct. 21, 2021 ~7 min

Teens actually slept better during COVID-19 pandemic

When COVID-19 lockdowns triggered changes to teens' daily routines, they woke up and slept later, which reduced daytime sleepiness.

Shirley Cardenas-McGill • futurity
Sept. 20, 2021 ~5 min

Naps don’t actually relieve sleep deprivation

A nap won't make up for a sleepless night, according to a new study that judged people's effectiveness on cognitive tasks after various amounts of rest.

Caroline Brooks-Michigan State • futurity
Aug. 12, 2021 ~5 min

Obstructive sleep apnea doubles risk of sudden death

People with obstructive sleep apnea have a higher risk of sudden death and also of hypertension, coronary artery disease, and congestive heart failure.

Barbara Schindo-Penn State • futurity
Aug. 10, 2021 ~5 min

How sleep loss messes up new memory storage

New findings in mice about sleep loss and memory may have implications for human performance and learning strategies, researchers report.

Morgan Sherburne-Michigan • futurity
Aug. 9, 2021 ~6 min

Slow recovery after DST ‘spring forward’ depends on your DNA

Whether your DNA predisposes you to being an "early bird" or a "night owl" affects how quickly you adapt to "springing forward" for daylight saving time.

Morgan Sherburne-Michigan • futurity
July 26, 2021 ~7 min

Mindfulness training gets kids to sleep better

Children who learned mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing and yoga slept longer and better, even though the curriculum didn't include sleep tips.

Erin Digitale-Stanford • futurity
July 9, 2021 ~8 min

Screens at bedtime rob young teens of sleep

"It creates this vicious cycle where engaging in bedtime media use can result in poor quality sleep, which over time fuels more bedtime media use."

U. Oregon • futurity
June 21, 2021 ~5 min
