Sleep troubles now linked to cognitive troubles later

People who have difficuilty falling asleep or staying asleep may have more problems remembering or concentrating more than a decade later, research shows.

Jared Wadley-Michigan • futurity
June 11, 2021 ~4 min

AI offers a better way to diagnose sleep disorders

An artificial intelligence algorithm based on 20,000 nights of sleep can improve the diagnosis, treatment, and our overall understanding of sleep disorders.

Michael Skov Jensen-Copenhagen • futurity
June 8, 2021 ~5 min

Team links shift worker sleep to ‘chronotype’

Shift workers' chronotyope, whether they are a night owl or early bird, has a lot to do with the amount of sleep they can get on their irregular schedules.

Shirley Cardenas-McGill • futurity
June 2, 2021 ~4 min

Caffeine isn’t a great way to fight sleep deprivation

You probably shouldn't rely on caffeine to counteract the effects of sleep deprivation, researchers report. It won't help you perform tasks without errors.

Caroline Brooks-Michigan State • futurity
May 26, 2021 ~4 min

Sleep loss after spouse’s death can harm immune health

Sleep loss that often follows the death of a spouse can have a negative long-term impact on the health of the surviving partner.

Amy McCaig-Rice University • futurity
May 19, 2021 ~4 min

Car crashes are 3X more likely with ‘shift work sleep disorder’

Shift work sleep disorder, a condition that affects people who work nontraditional hours, can increase the risk of a traffic crash by nearly 300%.

Eric Stann-Missouri • futurity
May 18, 2021 ~6 min

More fruits and veggies improves sleep for young adults

Eating more fruits and vegetables can help young adults, especially women, sleep better, a new study shows.

Nardy Baeza Bickel-Michigan • futurity
April 14, 2021 ~6 min

Sleep trouble may complicate grief after loved one’s death

People who have persistent sleep problems before the loss of a loved one, may have a higher risk of developing "complicated grief," researchers report.

Alexis Blue-U. Arizona • futurity
March 17, 2021 ~6 min

Phone therapy eases insomnia for older adults

Just a few short phone calls can offer "large, robust, and sustaining" benefits for older adults with insomnia, a new study shows.

Jake Ellison-U. Washington • futurity
Feb. 24, 2021 ~8 min

Sleep may be how the brain ties emotions to memory

Research in mice suggests that during sleep, neurons are busy connecting emotions like fear to memory. The finding may shed light on PTSD and anxiety.

Morgan Sherburne-Michigan • futurity
Feb. 23, 2021 ~6 min
