Family and friends may beat stats in COVID vax persuasion

Signals people receive from family and friends may have more influence over the likelihood they'll get a COVID-19 vaccine than public health messages.

Amanda McGregor-Brown • futurity
July 25, 2022 ~5 min

Male dolphins with more friends father more babies

Popularity, not strength or age, determine the reproductive success of male dolphins, a new study shows.

Rita Ziegler-Zurich • futurity
March 24, 2022 ~5 min

Male giraffes have more social connections than females

Female giraffes may have closer friends, but males have more social connections, perhaps due to their wide roaming in search of females to mate with.

Gail McCormick-Penn State • futurity
Sept. 27, 2021 ~7 min

Female giraffes with more friends live longer

Gregarious female giraffes that develop a sense of larger community live longer than those with fewer friends, a new study shows.

Gail McCormick-Penn State • futurity
Feb. 25, 2021 ~5 min

Teens may bully friends to boost social rank

Teens who bully, harass, or otherwise victimize their friends probably do so to get to the top of their school's social hierarchy, a new study shows.

Karen Nikos-UC Davis • futurity
Feb. 21, 2021 ~7 min

Teens may bully friends to boost social rank

Teens who bully, harass, or otherwise victimize their friends probably do so to get to the top of their school's social hierarchy, a new study shows.

Karen Nikos-UC Davis • futurity
Feb. 21, 2021 ~7 min

Male baboons with female pals live longer

Having a female bestie gives male baboons a better chance of survival, a new study shows.

Robin Smith-Duke • futurity
Sept. 23, 2020 ~6 min

Strong bonds later can’t erase early trauma for baboons

Having friends as adults doesn't ease early life trauma, a new study with baboons shows.

Morgan Sherburne-Michigan • futurity
Aug. 10, 2020 ~9 min

Young dolphins pick friends with purpose

Dolphins don't just randomly choose their friends. Like some people, they pick childhood pals that will set them up for success as adults.

Robin Smith-Duke • futurity
July 31, 2020 ~5 min

‘Guilty pleasures’ can get us through social distancing

Social distancing protects us from COVID-19. But how can we protect our mental health as we're isolating? One solution: Indulge in guilty pleasures.

Bert Gambini-Buffalo • futurity
March 25, 2020 ~5 min
